PREFACE The NLC bot allows Discord (and soon telegram) communities to seamlessly stream our music free of charge with no licensing required. Simply add it to your community and initialize the !setup command. NLC BOT COMMANDS (DEFAULT PREFIX = !) 1. Help - !help 2. Join - !join, !play, !start, !p, !j 3. Leave - !leave, !stop, !quit, !exit, !l 4. Now Playing - !np, !nowplaying, !current, !song 5. History - !history, !recent, !songs, !his, !s 6. Stats - !botinfo, !stats, !stat, !info, !bi 7. Settings - !settings, !config, !set 8. Support - !ticket, !invite, !vote, !supp 9. Station Info - !listeners, !nlcrinfo, !viewers, !views 10. Setup - !install, !setup, !begin, !set Click here to invite the bot to your discord server.